Verse of the day

Sunday, April 01, 2007

My last post.

I have decided to quit blogging.
I'll be removing this blog soon.

Thanks. The ride was good while it lasted.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Looking up from the dust

"…or despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads thee to repentance?"

This verse has been a key verse on my mind this quarter of the year. I know I have many stubborn habits, and weaknesses that I keep giving in to, despite telling God so many times "this will be the last time, Father". Sigh. I'm humbled that a holy and glorious God would choose to be patient with a bumbling child like me.

But this year, this verse has hit me more than ever before. I realise I can't take God's goodness, and the Lord's promise of intercession when I sin, for granted and use it for 'premeditated' sin, if there is such a term. I know He will not fail to chastise me for my wrong, but He gives oh so much grace in between! Its marvellous.

I'm not going to say "it will be the last time", because I don't know. But this I know, His goodness IS leading me to repentance, overcoming one day at a time, with my Saviour's help, by His strength.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Understanding, the prerequisite to obedience?

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Wei En, Ngee Zheng's friend veiled at the Lord's Supper yesterday. I remember being so scared as I explained to her and elaine (another one of Ngee Zheng's friends) on the teaching of head-covering.

Its actually not easy for a guy to do so without having the fear that the sister who hears him won't feel 'offended' or 'oppressed'. I don't think the teaching is oppressive in itself, but today's cry of 'equal rights' has been extrapolated off the graph to the point where anyone who suggests a woman is not to do what a man should do, is labeled chauvinism.
I think that's quite sad. God is a God of 'equal rights', salvation is for 'the world'. He gives the sun and rain to both the righteous and the wicked. However, He has given different roles to both men and women, and it is good for us to humbly obey.

But i digress. I still wonder if Wei En veiled to conform to the meeting (where most, if not all, our women veil), or out of understanding and obedience to the Word of God. Nevertheless I'm thankful, because conforming or not, she has glorified God by suppressing the glory of man.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

YA welcoming / graduation party 2007

YA Welcoming / Graduation party 2007
Well, finally Wen May and Danny (who didn't make it) are now in YA. We're glad to have them with us and hope to learn and experience much with them.
Weng keet and suet nie planned some interesting games, one that went on through the night, and one funny game which needed some good cooperation between a blindfolded person, someone who can give directions, and someone whose back is facing all the action but has to shout out the directions to the blindfolded person. objective the blindfolded person has to collect some stuff laid in a maze of chairs. see the pics below for an idea of the mayhem that happened.

all in all, it was fun.
to weng keet and suet nie, it was good . thanks!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Modus vivendi

Modus vivendi
(a way of life)

Forsake not His memory,
"This do,... remember me".
The bread and the chalice,
Oh! The salvation gratis.
His glories moral and divine,
In joyful lays let us twine.

Keep the hour of prayer,
let it be thine own cloister.
Confess thy sins when you pray,
it keeps us safe from Satan's flay.
"Cast all thy cares upon Him",
He cares for us, in times good and grim

Learn to be obedient,
on this be not flippant.
Trust not thine own judgement,
beware our fleshly penchant.
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him",
and He'll put a light behind the scrim.

"Love not the world, and all that is in it"
all not of the Father, from thy life aquit.
Seek not the wisdom of the world,
even though its promises are purled.

Be not selfish with thy salvation,
many are still on the road to damnation,
Think not the cost, He stands ready to forgive,
"Freely thou hast received, freely give".
Take then the gospel, thou art the channel,
to the royal and the scoundrel, preach to the tittle.

Tis not time now to rest,
lift thine hands off the arm-rest.
The world is not our home,
we still wait our eternal shalom.
Lift your eyes to look upward,
"Behold I'm coming soon", to take us homeward.

- Gunaseelan

*meaning of less common words used
Note: some words have many meanings that depend on context. Meanings here are provided in contexts of its usage above
Chalice - cup
gratis - free
lays - songs
cloister - a private secluded place
flay - criticisms
scrim - a theatrical screen that appears opaque if lighted from front, but appears transparent if lighted from behind (i think!).
purl - stiched/lined with silver and gold
shalom - peace


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Looking Christ-ward

The Christian stands in a unique place today. He (or she) stands at a vantage point in time where he can see Christ in any direction he looks:
1. Looking backward

Isa 45:22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else".

The Christian looks back in time, and sees Jesus as the Lamb of God, on the cross, there bearing the burden we would have to bear, there displaying the "love divine, all loves excelling", there completing the work the Father gave Him to do, there rending the vail of separation in twain, there obtaining the surety of forgiveness of sins for those who believe on His peerless name. Oh how could such a gruesome picture paint such a beautiful promise? How could the one who in creation made everything 'good' endure such evil for our sakes? what would allow Himself to be regarded as a 'brother of iniquity' (Num 1:15 - "Ahira")? 'Twas love, His wondrous, unconditional love.

2. Looking Upward

Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down
at the right hand of the throne of God

The Christian can today look upward, to a Saviour who was resurrected and now is at the Father's right hand, able to Shepherd and guard our souls, to be an 'ever present help' (ps 46:1), and who is able to understand our difficulties. O that we may bask in His sunshine, and take pleasure in His interest and love for those He now calls 'His brethren'. O that we may keep fresh in our minds today as the women at the tomb "remembered His words" (Luke 24:8). O that we may rejoice today as the disciples did when they heard the report that "He is risen indeed!" (Luk 24:34).

3. Looking Onward

Tit 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ

The Christian can today look onward, to a blessed and glorious hope of eternal life, a hope that will not disappoint, a hope that grounded not on the promises and ability of man, but on the "God, that cannot lie, " who "promised before the world began" (Tit 1:2). we look onward to the judgement seat of Christ, which promises nothing but rewards, some receiving more than others, but all are rewareded nonetheless. O that we may know Christ more now, that we may please Him now, that we may keep ourselves chaste now, and as a betrothed bride anxiously awaits that glorious day when she is united with her lover, may we be ever watching and waiting for the that "endless morning" where we will be united with the lover of our souls.

come Lord Jesus, come quickly.



Sunday, December 17, 2006

YA 2006 Christmas Dinner & Gift Exchange

The YA's were over for dinner and christmas gift exchange. We had a great time of singing carols, sharing our thoughts on the year past, and just sitting and chatting with one another time.

I want to thank all those who brought food, and those who helped clean up. It was SOOO nice of you! thanks a million!

Here are some pictures...
